Excel Connector Instructions

Karbon Practice Intelligence (KPI)
Connect Excel to Snowflake

Ensure Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 is installed. Use the link below to download and install the 64x version (it may tell you it is already installed): Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 from Official Microsoft Download Center 
Download the Snowflake ODBC Driver:   Snowflake Repository (snowflakecomputing.com) 

Launch the Windows Data Source Administration Tool by searching for “ODBC Data Sources” on your Windows machine. Be sure to use the 64-bit version:

Verify that the Snowflake ODBC driver is installed. Navigate to the Drivers tab in the ODBC Data Source Administrator window and verify that the driver (SnowflakeDSIIDriver) appears:
If you do not see SnowflakeDSIIDriver, then the Snowflake ODBC driver installation did not complete successfully and you need to reinstall it (see step 2).
Create a new DSN:Navigate to the User DSN or System DSN tab and click the Add button:

A Create New Data Source menu will appear, select SnowflakeDSIIDriver from the list of installed drivers and then select Finish.

Enter the connection parameters for the driver.In Snowflake Configuration Dialog, enter the parameters for the DSN for the fields provided:

Press Test to confirm the connection worked. If not, please check your parameters and try again.
Press Ok on the configuration menu, and then again on the ODBC Data Source Administrator.
Go to Excel, and open the Data tab.
Select the Get Data dropdown and select From Other Sources > From ODBC.

Select Snowflake in the dropdown and press ok.

Enter your login credentials for Snowflake and then press ok.

The Navigator menu will open, select the desired tables and press Load.